Achieving Excellence Together Rhagori Gyda'n Gilydd

Skills Challenge Certificate


  • is the same size as an A Level,
  • will be graded in the same way as an A Level,
  • will be a Band 4 UCAS qualification,
  • will be allocated the same tariff points as an A level.


What's it all about? Click HERE to find out more 

Employers and Universities - Why does it all matter?  



Community Challenge - Get Involved in Bettering your World 

We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own.

Ben Sweetland

Pupils in Year 12 will begin this challenge in their Skills Challenge lessons in September.

Pupils will work in lessons on the first part of the challenge, and complete their Community Activity Proposal by October half-term. This will be under controlled conditions.  30 hours outside of lesson time is spent doing the challenge.

Pupils return to this challenge in April/May with the Confirmation Statement, back into Skills Challenge lessons when the Personal Reflection Presentation will take place.

Final evidence will need to have been completed during ‘Summer School’ when pupils return after AS exams.

The Skills Challenge teacher/s will assess the evidence submitted against the 3 Learning Outcomes (LO) for this challenge and pupils will be awarded a total mark out of 27 for this component.

Click here to find out more about the Community Challenge 


Global Challenge - Become an Informed Global Citizen

It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it. 

 Nelson Mandela

Year 12 pupils are likely to begin this challenge in Skills Challenge lessons after October half-term. Final evidence will need to have been completed by the start of AS exam period, April/May.

The Skills Challenge teacher/s will assess the submitted evidence against the 4 Learning Outcomes (LO) for this challenge and pupils will be awarded a total mark out of 36 for this component.

Click here to find out more about the Global Challenge


Enterprise and Employability - Develop the Future You

The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.

 Linus Pauling

New Year 12 pupils are likely to begin this challenge in ‘Summer School’ when returning after AS exams  in June 2019. Your final evidence will need to have been completed by October half-term of your YEAR 13.

Returning Year 13 pupils will already have started this challenge in ‘Summer School’ during year 12 and can expect to be completed by October half-term of your YEAR 13.

The Skills Challenge teacher/s will assess the submitted evidence against the 5 Learning Outcomes (LO) for this challenge and pupils will be awarded a total mark out of 45 marks for this component.

Click here to find out more about Enterprise and Employability 


Individual Project - Research and Inspire Others

Plan your work and work your plan.

 Napoleon Hill

Year 13 pupils will begin this challenge in Skills Challenge lessons near October half-term, upon completion of their Enterprise Challenge.  

Final evidence will need to have been completed by Easter holidays.  There will be exact deadlines to adhere to for an electronic submission of:

1) a first draft of the full project (for feedback from the Skills teacher)

2) a final draft (for submission to WJEC)

The Skills Challenge teacher/s will assess the submitted evidence against the 8 Learning Outcomes (LO) for this challenge and pupils will be awarded a total mark out of 72 marks for this component.

Click here to find out more about the Advanced Individual Project